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Disclosure 2

The information and materials provided herein (the “materials”) are provided for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product, as investing advice of any kind, or as offering or providing any investment product or service, or as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any investment by Guggenheim Securities, LLC or any of its affiliates (“Guggenheim”). The materials are not a product of the research department of Guggenheim and should not be construed as a research report, recommendation or advice. The materials are not provided in an advisory or fiduciary capacity and may not be relied upon for or in connection with the making of investment decisions. The views expressed herein are solely those of the authors and may differ from the views of other officers, directors, employees or other representatives (as to any person or entity, its “Representatives”) of Guggenheim. The authors’ opinions are subject to change without notice. Guggenheim undertakes no obligation to provide additional information or any update to or correction of the information provided herein. Sources for the information contained herein are believed to be reliable, but the information is not guaranteed as to, and Guggenheim and its Representatives make no representation or warranty regarding, accuracy or completeness of any information contained herein or otherwise. Neither Guggenheim nor its Representatives shall be liable to any person in any way whatsoever for any losses, costs or claims for reliance on the materials. Guggenheim may have a business relationship with certain issuers mentioned herein, or may otherwise underwrite, hold a position, buy or sell as principal in the securities of any issuer mentioned. Guggenheim may have in the past provided, may currently be providing and may in the future seek to provide investment banking, financial advisory and other services to, and have other material relationships with, the issuers of securities, loans and other financial instruments referred to herein and their affiliates. With respect to any position Guggenheim may hold, Guggenheim may have interests different from or adverse to your interests. None of the materials provided may be reproduced or redistributed, in whole or in part, to any other person or published in whole or in part for any purpose absent the written consent of Guggenheim. By accessing or reviewing this website, you will be deemed to have acknowledged and agreed to the matters set forth above.

Disclosure 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce non justo porttitor, porttitor odio in, condimentum quam. Etiam sit amet dictum leo. Vivamus ac finibus purus. Quisque ac odio id libero pellentesque efficitur. Vivamus eget felis ullamcorper, posuere diam bibendum, varius velit. In ut quam vel felis posuere consectetur. Maecenas pretium eget enim id lobortis. Aenean tincidunt lectus turpis, ac rutrum augue consectetur sed. Nulla sed magna consectetur dolor eleifend aliquet a sed nisi. Nullam ut ornare augue. Nam ex mauris, condimentum laoreet sodales vel, facilisis sit amet massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus sollicitudin lorem odio, fermentum tempor erat consectetur a. Sed viverra, elit sit amet ultrices ornare, velit nibh cursus mi, eget imperdiet dolor nibh vitae odio. Donec sagittis in ipsum in blandit. Nunc elementum aliquam nulla, a auctor mi pulvinar sed. Praesent et urna finibus, rutrum leo in, aliquet massa. Integer at erat vitae tellus ultricies blandit id nec purus. Phasellus ultrices dui aliquet congue maximus. Curabitur luctus ex ac felis hendrerit, at convallis risus congue. Praesent eu orci eu magna maximus dignissim. Morbi viverra mollis ipsum ut semper. Cras in ullamcorper augue. Donec ornare purus ut enim consectetur accumsan. Morbi sagittis purus vitae nisi efficitur aliquam. Praesent id fermentum est, vel ultrices arcu.

Disclosure 4

Mauris id lectus massa. Nullam quis euismod mauris, ut pretium tellus. Quisque in metus sed libero feugiat feugiat. Sed sapien tortor, pulvinar id eros et, finibus aliquam leo. Duis sed eros eu quam placerat cursus ut blandit nulla. Aenean et interdum lectus. Maecenas luctus efficitur nulla, et vulputate ipsum interdum eget. Praesent a odio non lacus suscipit facilisis varius ut tortor. Morbi eu tincidunt velit. Quisque rhoncus lectus quis felis fermentum, in aliquet ipsum pharetra. Maecenas lacinia lacus ac nisi egestas faucibus. Ut at tempus mauris. Maecenas sed lectus massa. Mauris pharetra leo elit, et fermentum risus interdum id. Nunc consequat nisi orci, a suscipit dui sagittis vel. Vivamus condimentum semper velit, sed sodales libero porta mollis. Donec non neque eget metus varius mollis in quis ex. Pellentesque egestas tempor felis, vel rhoncus ex ullamcorper non. Praesent nec tortor erat. Vestibulum ut sapien ornare, suscipit magna quis, ullamcorper ante. Etiam ac arcu imperdiet, volutpat tortor ac, viverra augue. Phasellus non libero vitae eros lobortis mollis ac sed lectus. Mauris vitae gravida dolor.

Disclosure 5

Maecenas pellentesque consequat eros in porttitor. Duis pellentesque dignissim feugiat. Cras condimentum turpis sapien, venenatis hendrerit ipsum pellentesque ut. Maecenas erat odio, vestibulum vel nunc sit amet, lobortis dictum nunc. Curabitur nec arcu lectus. Mauris at hendrerit dui. Nullam eget lacus congue, semper dolor a, placerat arcu. Donec viverra commodo massa, vitae hendrerit nulla vehicula at. Aliquam eu faucibus arcu. Duis porttitor nulla vitae erat tempus, et euismod velit dapibus. Morbi ut vehicula justo. Aenean bibendum eleifend sodales. Maecenas in enim sed nibh mattis sodales. Donec sodales, neque eget efficitur venenatis, augue nibh tempus eros, at posuere nisl nulla nec mi. In nec luctus libero. Donec lorem massa, faucibus sit amet varius sit amet, euismod ut justo. Phasellus posuere blandit eros, in condimentum felis venenatis id. Pellentesque sed mattis sapien.